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Matthew Penza hails from New Fairfield, Connecticut.  When he first contacted us, we wondered how he would get his project to us. 

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Thanks to Carol Matlick of Baldwin, Long Island, who is a great friend and our East Coast Director, she was able to meet with Brian in Connecticut, attend his service at his church for the blessing of the urns and his Eagle Scout Presentation.

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Matthew put together an amazing program from start to finish, documenting every step from obtaining the lumber, recruiting volunteers to help, sawing, assembling, finishing and presenting.  It was the most finely tuned Eagle Scout project we have ever seen.

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Along with parents, vounteers & scouts,  he was able to build us 33 incredible oak urns with a plaque on each one. We are so humble that Matthew chose Garden of Innocence as his Eagle Scout Project.

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Besides scouting, Matthew is an accomplished Pianist and has played 3 times at Carnegie Hall and his dream is to go to Harvard.