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No One Wants To Bury These 7 Children, Then Mom Calls The Coroners Office To Claim Them

By Gardens Of Innocence on Oct 21, 2016 at 05:09 PM in In The News

emerald  written by: EMERALD PELLOT

Little Things
Garden of Innocence Inside Edition-1
Garden of Innocence Inside Edition-2
Garden of Innocence Inside Edition-4

It’s the kind of thing we often forget happens everyday. Babies are abandoned, they die, or are left for dead and there is no one to claim their bodies. Many of them will end up in unmarked graves with no funeral processions to celebrate their lives. 

In 1998, Elissa Davey was watching the news one day when she saw a story about a deceased baby abandoned on a college campus. She knew she had to do something about it. Davey called the coroner’s office to see if she could claim the child’s body, and the coroner said, “show me you have a dignified place to put him.” 

Since then, Davey created the Garden of Innocence, which provides children who are unnamed and unclaimed with graves, funerals, and headstones.

Davey gives each child a name. For the funerals of Ariel, Daisy, Don, Emily, Grace, John V., and Maguerite, who are finally being put to rest, Davey gathered strangers to honor them.

Some of the children have met grim ends, some are left at the hospital or found in the morgue, and some are complete mysteries. Davey believes that each deserves a proper burial.

“It was bittersweet, knowing we are going to lay to rest a child who was found in a jar,” said Davey. “A lot of people ask us how we can bury babies. ‘It’s so hard.’ Our answer is, ‘how can we not?’”

Gardens of Innocence provides children, who would otherwise go unremembered, with the dignity everyone deserves after they pass away.

Please SHARE if to commend Elissa Davey for doing this difficult work.

To read original post, CLICK HERE

Oct 27, 2016 Arrow1 Down Reply
Dina Orozco

Melissa, you are a ONE IN A MILLION woman. I am trying to find words that I can express the greatest thing you are doing for these babies. You have the warmest kindest heart. All these unwanted and abandoned babies have been blessed that you have them put to rest in peace, they are all Gods angels. Stay blessed.
Thank you for doing this for these babies. God bless all of you babies & may you all rest in peace with our almighty God. Sincerely Dina Orozco.

Oct 31, 2016 Arrow1 Down Reply
Miriam Arias

I thank God for your life. Sometimes I find myself thinking what's going on in the world why are people so mean and then people like you remind me that there's beautiful people like you out there. God has angels like you in this world to make it better. My family and I will be praying for you and God willing soon we can have a garden of innonce in Los Angeles area. God bless you love The Arias N��ez Family

Nov 01, 2016 Arrow1 Down Reply

I don't have words for you. You are amazing doing this.
May god bless you always. I will be praying for you and these babies.

Dec 05, 2016 Arrow1 Down Reply

Today when I saw you story,i was very much touched.You are one of GOD'S very important people's in this world.You will receive your reward one day in HEAVEN.I WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU N YOU BABIES.

Jun 28, 2017 Arrow1 Down Reply
Afiya Henry

I am grateful for what you are doing. Thank you and continue this amazing work. Blessings abundantly and I know your efforts can only grow on a grand scale.

Oct 21, 2017 Arrow1 Down Reply
Esther R Gueits

Thank you so very much for what you are doing for the babies. When no one is there to love are. God has a special place for you.

Oct 21, 2017 Arrow1 Down Reply
Esther R Gueits

Thank you so very much for what you are doing for the babies. When no one is there to love are. God has a special place for you.

Oct 21, 2017 Arrow1 Down Reply
Esther R Gueits

Thank you so very much for what you are doing for the babies. When no one is there to love are. God has a special place for you.

Nov 02, 2019 Arrow1 Down Reply
Corky Mata

I have no words to express myself after watching your videos
I need to be a part of this...

Nov 24, 2019 Arrow1 Down Reply
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Jan 17, 2023 Arrow1 Down Reply

I have a question? When a young girl age 15 is pregnant and has a dNC done, what does hospital do with baby decomposed body being dead 3 months from womb?

Jun 26, 2023 Arrow1 Down Reply
Jannelle Davey

How bizarre the 7 babies caught my attention to find out we have the same last name. I lived in San Diego at one time also. I would love to donate but times have been so hard lately. I just wanted to say thank you for doing what you have done. It saddens me to hear anything about children that isn’t good especially the babies!!! You are an Angel. If I would have still lived in San Diego I would most definitely would have found a way to help! God Bless you and the baby angels!

Oct 15, 2023 Arrow1 Down Reply
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Sep 10, 2024 Arrow1 Down Reply
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Oct 01, 2024 Arrow1 Down Reply

@Jannelle Davey: hello Janelle, this is Elissa Davey on the founder of GARDEN of Innocence and I just found this page on our website so I’m answering questions a year late. I love your last name as well. I’d like to know where your family came from. Mine came from Saint Austell, England.
Tell me where you live as we may have a garden near you take care and have a blessed day!

Oct 01, 2024 Arrow1 Down Reply

@Miriam Arias : hello Marion, this is Elissa Davey. I’m the founder of GARDEN of Innocence and I just found this on our website.!
I’m trying to find a cemetery right now in Los Angeles so that we can have a garden of Innocence there. I have a baby That is here waiting for that GARDEN.
Let me know your email and I will let you know when we have a GARDEN of Innocence Los Angeles.
Have a blessed day.

Oct 01, 2024 Arrow1 Down Reply

@Rinku: thank you for your kind comments Rinku! It’s people like you that make this world the better place.
Have a blessed day!

Oct 01, 2024 Arrow1 Down Reply
Elissa Davey

@Dina Orozco:
Hello Dina, I know this is a long time coming, but I just saw this on our website. I had no clue it was here!
Thank you for your kind comments and have a blessed day!

Oct 01, 2024 Arrow1 Down Reply

@ROSIE ISAAC: hello Rosie, thank you so much for your kind comments. I apologize for being so many years late and answering this. I never saw the comments before and until today God bless you too. Have a blessed day.!

Oct 01, 2024 Arrow1 Down Reply
Elissa Davey

@Afiya Henry: hello Althea, thank you so much for your kind comments and maybe we will see you in the gardens one day!
Have a blessed day!

Oct 01, 2024 Arrow1 Down Reply
Elissa Davey

@Esther R Gueits: hello Esther, I wanted to thank you for your kind comments. I apologize for not answering sooner, but I did not know these comments were on our website.
Maybe I’ll meet you in the gardens one day!
Have a blessed day!

Oct 01, 2024 Arrow1 Down Reply
Elissa Davey

@Corky Mata:
Hello Corky, Thank you so much for your kind comments. Please let me know where you live. Maybe we will have a garden near you one day.
Have a blessed day!